Families of our wonderful year six leavers came together to attend a lively and enjoyable Leavers Service. Pupils reflected on their time at Great Wood and talked about the next part of their life journey! Children sang, told jokes, played recorders (always a favourite?) and were awarded trophies and presents as part of the service. It was all finished with a mass dance to Queen and the Gummy Bear song. A brilliant finale for our wonderful year six pupils, good luck and all the best to all of them.
Year six enjoyed an evening of Adrenalin Tubing followed by a McDonald’s treat. The children and staff spent time zooming down the ski run, whilst sat in a rubber tube, braving the rain but still managing to love it. Thank you to the PTFA who help support the cost of this evening and make sure the year six pupils have a brilliant end to their time at Great Wood!
Pupils had a morning assembly with John and his friend, Olly the Octopus, talking about water safety and taking care while on their Summer Holidays. The pupils engaged well with the questions and knew how to ensure they were safe around water. The pupils then enjoyed a hug and high five with Olly the Octopus. Thanks to South Moorland Leisure Centre for this important assembly.
“I’ve had an amazing day!”, “Best school trip I’ve been on”, were just some of the comments made by the year six pupils after their invite to Heath House. Sophie and Justin kindly invited the Y6 pupils to visit their home and enjoy classic garden activities, a tour of the house and grounds followed by afternoon tea. Justin was a fantastic host, ably supported by Vinty, his adorable dog. The pupils especially enjoyed the view from the tower, a truly memorable experience that is unique to pupils at Great Wood. Thanks again to Sophie and Justin for their time and graciousness to host this highlight of the academic calendar.
The community of Tean came together on Rural Mission Sunday 14th July to celebrate all that makes a successful community. It was very well attended by people of all ages, enjoying cake and ice cream. Great Wood pupils teamed up with St. Thomas’ pupils as a combined choir to perform three songs. They were very well received and then enjoyed some cake. Thank you to everyone who came along to support community life in Tean.
Pupils celebrated their recent achievements with a variety of certificates and rewards. The school celebrated music, sporting, residential, individual and team success, alongside prizes for everyone who received Merit Points across the year, handed out by Mrs Buckley! Mr. Chapman and Ms. York presented Y3/4 with their Music Awards from Trinity College. Merit Awards were handed out with year six collecting a joint award for their brilliant SATs results. Mark Hatcher kindly handed out Sports Day certificates to our super speedy sprinters. A lovely celebration as the pupils head towards a well deserved break. Well done to all our winners!
Year six pupils were able to think about transition and moving up to High School with the help from Tean Methodist Church. Mark Hatcher and friends came in to help the pupils think and question what was coming in KS3. They could talk about their worries and concerns and then reflect on the differences with Primary and Secondary. The pupils enjoyed the input, especially playing Pictionary and testing out their drawing skills. Thanks to Mark Hatcher, Mrs. Davies and Mrs. Thorley for their time.
ASM Sports hosted a scooter activity for all the pupils to celebrate a fab year of sport. The pupils were challenged to whizz around the track, jumping and balancing over a range of obstacles, all the while listening to their favourite tunes! A fun morning was had by all, thank you to ASM with providing all the equipment and coaches.
We are very proud to announce that our fabulous kitchen staff, Lesley and Jan, have excelled themselves, by gaining their Silver Standard Internal HSE Audit and demonstrating compliance with an outstanding 97%. We are very lucky to have such an outstanding team. Well done, Lesley and Jan.
A wonderful day was had by all those choir members who attended the annual Ashby-de-la-Zouch Choir Concert. Some pupils had visited the delights of the town, especially the outdoor swimming pool where fun with floats ensured lots of hilarity. The concert was organised and compered beautifully by the one and only Mr. Chapman, Great Wood choir was led superbly by Mrs. Roberts and Mr. Chapman’s brother, Tim, was the majestic pianist. The concert saw classical music mixed with hits from Aladdin, harp players, massed choirs and even a rugby song while rugby balls were thrown around the church. A memorable evening and thanks to all those families that supported the concert, I know they are looking forward to doing it all again next year.