
Fundraising whilst shopping at home. Fundraising whilst shopping at home.


Fundraising whilst shopping at home.

As the time for Christmas shopping is fast approaching we would like to share with you a way that you can raise funds for your PTA, here at St Werburgh's C.E. Primary School.

As many parents/carers will already be aware, we have had an 'easy fundraising' account for a number of years and last year, we launched our Amazon Smile account too. For new parents/carers, we wanted to explain that this is a way of raising money for charities without having to spend anything extra from your own pocket.

For Amazon Smile: if you log onto Amazon through the Amazon Smile app and choose St Werburgh’s PTA Kingsley as your chosen charity, they will then donate 0.5% of whatever you spend on Amazon directly to our PTA.

For Easy Fundraising: if you use the 'Easy Fundraising' app and then log onto a variety of websites through easy fundraising eg Ebay, Argos, M&S, Debenhams, Go Compare etc (there are 100+ participants) and choose St Werburghs PTA Kingsley as your chosen charity, again we will receive a percentage of what you spend with no extra cost to yourselves.

By parents/carers shopping via the 'Easy Fundraising' app for our PTA charity we have so far raised £422.53 and £22.59 through Amazon Smile. It is a simple way to raise money with no cost to us as parents/carers.

We continue to be so grateful for your support and efforts towards raising money for our children here at St Werburgh's C.E. Primary.

Kingsley's Amazing New Play Equipment Kingsley's Amazing New Play Equipment Kingsley's Amazing New Play Equipment Kingsley's Amazing New Play Equipment


Kingsley's Amazing New Play Equipment

A range of brilliant new play equipment has arrived in Kingsley following many months of bid-writing, quote-gathering, and hours-upon-hours of organisation from Mrs Corby, Mrs Hughes and Miss Wainwright, a thoughtful group of our parents. It is our pleasure to share with you photographs and a few words from this kind trio.

The Kingsley Venture Valley Project Team is delighted to finally announce your new play area is finished and ready to be played on! It has passed its safety inspection and the security fence has come down. Thank you very much for your patience while the work has been in progress. We hope you love it as much as we do!

We would like to say a big thank you for the support and encouragement the school gave the project with the surveys and newsletter updates. These were very helpful and as they will see the equipment and facilities they expressed interest in have been included in the design.

We hope the children will enjoy the swinging, sliding, climbing, spinning and zipping and have many hours of fun and adventures here.


Thank you very, very much for your spectacular efforts to benefit our community and we are sure that the children will really, really enjoy playing safely on this fabulous equipment. one another.


Virtual Harvest Service and Celebration


Virtual Harvest Service and Celebration

It was wonderful to come together in prayer today as we celebrated Harvest in school.

Led by Rev Sue, our 'virtual' Service using video conferencing was a special opportunity to share prayers from each classroom and a parable, and to give thanks at this special time of year. Classes produced some very creative artwork and each also wrote a prayer of thanks.

The creativity within God's world brought us seedlings and artwork featuring a mouse, a cow, a pizza (and the miles the ingredients have to travel) and a Harvest wreath.

Many thanks to Mr Ratcliffe (our Link Trustee) for joining us from home too.

A happy display full of the children's artwork has been added to the Worship Council noticeboard and is pictured here. God, love one another.

Church Harvest Festival


Church Harvest Festival

Harvest Festival in Church

Our wonderful church of St. Werburgh’s is delighted to be hosting a Harvest Festival Celebration this weekend. Church will be open from 1.00-4.00pm on Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th October, with a special Service at 11.00am on Sunday. 

There will also be a display of lovely pieces of artwork created by local artists.

Any donations of non-perishable food may be brought along, which will be stored and then passed with thanks to the Women’s Refuge.

…love God…

MacMillan Non-Uniform Day Thanks


MacMillan Non-Uniform Day Thanks

A huge 'thank you' for your support of the recent MacMillan Coffee Morning Non-Uniform Day here in school.

By coming into school in non-uniform, we were able to raise a brilliant £190 for this important charity - which is particularly special as we are in a time of such uncertainty.

Thank you all for your kindness and thoughtfulness. one another.

MacMillan Coffee Morning Non-uniform Day


MacMillan Coffee Morning Non-uniform Day

On Friday 25th September, children are invited to come to school in non-uniform and bring a donation to the MacMillan Coffee Morning, an important cause which we have supported in recent years.

Although we may not currently be able to sit together and enjoy a cuppa and a slice of something tasty, we would still like to help the important work by the people at MacMillan and ask for a donation of any size (anything helps) in return for coming to school in non-uniform.

Why not mark the occasion at home by working your way through a big, beautiful slice of your favourite cake! one another.

Online Family Yoga Sessions


Online Family Yoga Sessions

To help to support family wellbeing in these uncertain times, we are delighted to let you know about a series of free online family yoga sessions, led by Caroline Holder, a parent here at St. Werburgh's and Physical Education Specialist with whom The Moorlands Primary Federation are delighted to work closely alongside.

For further information on the sessions, and to learn ways to relax and meditate, please visit the 'School Family-Parents' section of the website under 'Family Wellbeing', or click here. one another.


School is Back!


School is Back!

It is lovely to start the new year with all of our pupils back in school...including lots of new faces!

Welcome back to all of the children and families and 'Welcome to St. Werburgh's C.E. Primary' to all of those who have joined us for the first time.

Although things may look a little different in school, the team are very excited for the year ahead.

Love to learn, love God, love one another.

Excited to be coming back to school.


Excited to be coming back to school.

We are excited to welcome back all of our wonderful children and to say 'hello' to lots of new faces who will be starting at St. Werburgh's C.E. Primary on Wednesday 2nd September.

The staggered start times and lots of answers to questions which you may have, are on the 'End of Term Letter and September Plans' document to the right of this article.

Love to learn, love God, love one another.

Good Luck to our Amazing Year 6 Good Luck to our Amazing Year 6


Good Luck to our Amazing Year 6

We wish our amazing Year 6 the very, very best of luck as they leave St. Werburgh's C.E. Primary School and head off for exciting new adventures at High School.

Throughout this period, they have been unable to experience so many of the exciting times which are special to Year 6, yet have remained positive, happy and, quite frankly, fabulous! We are all very proud of you! Thank you to the PTA and the church for their thoughtful gifts, and thank you to those parents/carers who were able to send in messages for them.

Thank you also to all of those parents/carers who are also leaving us - some of you have been part of your school for more than a decade! We really appreciate your support and chats ...and we will miss you too! 

Thank you all for being so ‘owwwwtstanding!’


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