
Joining in Prayer from the Safety of Home


Joining in Prayer from the Safety of Home

Our wonderful Rev. Sue and Josie have published Church Services via YouTube to help everyone to continue to join together in prayer during this challenging time.

To watch and be part of the Service, please visit the church website and follow the link. God...

Welcome Back


Welcome Back

The staff team are excited to be welcoming back children of essential Key Workers, and those in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6, who contacted school to say they would like them to join us.

If your child is returning on June 8th, please remember to follow the guidelines sent out in the confirmation letter, especially those relating to social distancing, hand-washing, start and finish times, which gates to use, and the information relating to what can be brought into school and what should be worn (remember - no boots or sandals/flip flops, please).

Online Home Learning will continue of course, so please keep emailing your child's wonderful work, scores and exciting news. We love hearing about how everyone is doing.

Thank you for your ongoing support.


75th Anniversary of VE Day 75th Anniversary of VE Day 75th Anniversary of VE Day


75th Anniversary of VE Day

Today marks the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day (VE Day), the day when Britain and its Allies formally accepted the surrender of the Nazi regime in Germany after almost six years of war.

At 3pm, Prime Minister Winston Churchill announced on the radio that the war in Europe had come to an end.

Today we remember everyone who gave so much to help us to win World War II.

In these times, we remember the strength we have and know that things will get better.

If you are doing anything to celebrate VE Day's 75th anniversary, please send a picture to your teacher. one another.




The whole team have been really grateful to receive so many good wishes and acts of kindness during these uncertain times.

A special 'thank you' to Mr Luke Granger (Mya and Ava's dad) for kindly supplying our Trust with a number of sprays which can be used as hand sanitiser, to help to keep us all safe. one another.




As we approach the Easter holidays, many of our Key Workers may require care for children.

Although our school will close to all pupils on THURSDAY 2nd APRIL until MONDAY 20th APRIL, we are delighted that, across our Multi Academy Trust, we have two organisations open and offering to provide this care most days, both of whom would welcome children of those parents who have to work in their roles as Key Workers in these uncertain times. If you require this service during Easter, commencing Friday 3rd April, please contact one of organisations below for further details.

Kingsley Kingfishers
(here at St. Werburgh’s C.E. Primary, Kingsley)
07891 861763;

(on site at Bishop Rawle C.E. Primary, Cheadle)
07579 017178/ 01538 756860;


Stay safe.





As you know, some children are eligible for Free School Meals, depending upon a number of factors.

During this period of school closure, the provision of these lunches will continue for those families who let us know us that they wish to receive them, but as you would expect, this will be done in a different way.

As this may be a little confusing, just to clarify: all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are currently eligible for a daily school meal as part of the Government’s ‘Universal Infant Free School Meals’ initiative. This is different to ‘Free School Meals’.                        

Being in receipt of ‘Free School Meals’, also currently provides benefits for children when in school, and includes provision of lunch items during the school day (in term-time) during this period of closure due to the Coronavirus. To see if your child is eligible for ‘Free School Meals’ please click here and visit the 'School Dinners' section for more information. **If you have previously completed the application and your child currently receives Free School Meals (not solely as part of the 'Universal Infant Free School Meals' programme), then there is no need to reapply. one another.





In the light of recent advice from the Government of how to best reduce the risk of the spread of the Coronavirus, there is a slight change to plans from Monday 23rd March.

Those children of parents who have indicated that they are 'Key Workers' and that they absolutely need care in school for their child to enable them to continue their essential work, should now send children to their usual school - namely, St. Werburgh's, not Bishop Rawle C.E. (A) Primary as mentioned on Friday.

Apologies for this slight change, which has been made to reduce the risk to children, family members, staff and their families.

Just to reiterate, those children not being educated at home, should attend their usual school on Monday 23rd March.

Take care of yourself.



Coronavirus (Covid-19) updates


Coronavirus (Covid-19) updates

Please continue to check the letters issued by school and TMPF for updates. These will be published on this page in the Newsletters and Leaflets section.

Please follow any government guidelines, show our caring Christian manner, try not to worry, and stay safe. one another.

Coronavirus advice


Coronavirus advice

As you will know from the media, the cases of Coronavirus (Covid 19) are currently increasing in the west midlands and globally. As a school, we are continuing to talk to children about the importance of washing hands thoroughly, maintaining good hygiene and acting in a sensible manner to reduce the spreading of any germs.

For further information on how we can all play our part in reducing the spread of the virus, please read the letter in the column to the right of this article. one another.


World Book Day Celebration at St. Werburgh's World Book Day Celebration at St. Werburgh's World Book Day Celebration at St. Werburgh's World Book Day Celebration at St. Werburgh's World Book Day Celebration at St. Werburgh's World Book Day Celebration at St. Werburgh's World Book Day Celebration at St. Werburgh's World Book Day Celebration at St. Werburgh's


World Book Day Celebration at St. Werburgh's

Pupils and staff dressed up as book characters today to celebrate 'World Book Day' and a love of reading.

Characters from many different books came to school for the day and enjoyed reading as a class, and with a friend from a different class, with a theme of 'sharing a story'.

The event, which is aimed at sharing enjoyment of reading, was organised by the school librarians along with Miss Keeling (Professor McGonagall and our Trust Literacy Lead) and Mrs Hill (who leads the librarian team).

Children across the school had a lovely time reading books, talking about books, and dressing up as book characters.

Librarians, Zac and Angel, said, "We enjoyed organising the day because it was nice to dress-up and read books together."

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