
Raising Money for Comic Relief


Raising Money for Comic Relief

To raise funds for Comic Relief,  we enjoyed a non-uniform day in school and thought about the very important work of this amazing charity.

Each class showed their sense of humour and produced some lovely jokes too!

Thank you to children, parents/carers, grandparents, aunties, uncles and our staff team for raising a whopping £165.76!

This truly reflected our caring Christian nature and the final part of our school motto: one another.

Let's Count for the Census


Let's Count for the Census

In school we have been learning about the Census which takes place every ten years.

Classes took part in different activities, including creating their own census. Some children also researched data from previous years and thought about what this tells us and why lots of different people may find this information useful.

Thank You 'City 7s'


Thank You 'City 7s'

Thank you to our friends at Stoke City FC for the very kind gift for our wonderful Y2 class.

Each year, Stoke City FC come into our school to talk about the brilliant 'City 7s' scheme which offers children in all classes tickets for a Stoke City match at a reduced rate and also to offer a free child and adult ticket for our Year 2s. This year, as we cannot go to football matches, the ticket offer has understandably been placed on hold. 

However, we were thrilled that the club sent through a Stoke City home shirt for each of our Year 2 class to keep and to wear with pride!

Thank you, Stoke City.

Happy Mother's Day Happy Mother's Day Happy Mother's Day Happy Mother's Day Happy Mother's Day Happy Mother's Day Happy Mother's Day


Happy Mother's Day

The children and staff would like to wish all of our wonderful Mothers, Mums, Mummys, carers, Grannys, Grandmas, Nans, Nannys, Aunties, Godmothers, big sisters and everyone who is special at home, a very Happy Mother's Day!

Thank you for being wonderful and we love you.

We're Back Together Again! We're Back Together Again! We're Back Together Again!


We're Back Together Again!

We are absolutely thrilled to be together in school as the St. Werburgh's family once again, following the Government announcement that all children should return to school on Monday 8th March.

The children have, quite simply, been ‘owwwwtstanding’ upon their return! 

Some of the children have shared how they felt:

Archie, “I feel amazing! It’s good to be back with my friends and to see my teacher. It’s just great!"
Emily E., “I feel good to be back because I can see my friends and it is more fun learning in school than on a laptop!”
Sam, “I am happy to be back because I can see my friends again.”
Amelia J., “I like being back in school because it is fun!”
Maddison B., “I am happy that I am back and I can see my friends.”
Milton, “It is amazing to have everyone in school, so we can be together and learn together.”
Molly, “It feels really good to be back in school. I can see my friends again and learn with them."

Thank you to the parents and carers for so brilliantly preparing your child for their return to school.

Love to learn, love God, love one another.


On Your Bike!


On Your Bike!

Children in Years 4 and 5 have been honing their cycling skills this week as they completed Bikeability training.

Year 5 learnt how to cycle safely on the roads during their sessions on Wednesday, showing great improvements of their control and awareness and even managing to cope with rain!

The Year 4 children became safer cyclists by developing their steering and signalling skills during their training session on the playground…also complete with a spot of rain!

Well done to all of our budding Laura Kennys and Chris Froomes!

Who's That Behind the Mask on 'World Book Day'? Who's That Behind the Mask on 'World Book Day'? Who's That Behind the Mask on 'World Book Day'? Who's That Behind the Mask on 'World Book Day'? Who's That Behind the Mask on 'World Book Day'? Who's That Behind the Mask on 'World Book Day'? Who's That Behind the Mask on 'World Book Day'?


Who's That Behind the Mask on 'World Book Day'?

To celebrate 'World Book Day', children in school and at home enjoyed sessions linked to the wonder and brilliance of reading!

As part of this, children also watched a video clip of our very own version of 'The Masked Reader'. Seven staff read extracts from well-know children's books...but were a little bit disguised in the way they looked and how they sounded!

The children had to work out the real identities of:
An orange, a cat, a sheep, a pig, a wotsit, a grogu (like a baby yoda) and a pigeon! Our exciting guessing game was great fun!

So...who's that behind the mask?

The children will find out soon!

Celebrating Children's Mental Health Week Celebrating Children's Mental Health Week Celebrating Children's Mental Health Week Celebrating Children's Mental Health Week Celebrating Children's Mental Health Week


Celebrating Children's Mental Health Week

As a school, we enjoyed lots of different activities to help us to celebrate ‘Children’s Mental Health Week’: a really important annual event which we mark each year.

This year, due to the Covid-19 partial school closure, we completed different activities for children in school and at home, including mindfulness tasks, story-sharing, dance and yoga. The aims of these were to highlight to children different ways to relax, to be creative, to focus, to be happy, and to enjoy just being in the moment.

The mental wellbeing of those within our family of schools is an important part of our happy school and Trust. It was lovely to use video conferencing to allow children, parents and siblings at home to join those in school to be creative and calm and to enjoy a dance session led by Mrs Bloor and a wonderful yoga session led by PE Consultant Mrs Caroline Holder.

…love one another.

Goodbye Captain Sir Tom


Goodbye Captain Sir Tom

It was with sadness that we read of the passing of Captain Sir Tom Moore yesterday.

The World War II soldier, who rose to the public eye by walking 100 laps of his garden as he approached his 100th birthday, raised almost £33million for NHS charities and shone brightly with his message of determination and hope at a time when it was needed most.

Following his remarkable fund-raising achievement, and since reaching 100 years old, Tom went on to have many great experiences including a number one song with Michael Ball, and, at the BBC Sports Personality of the Year award ceremony, winning the 'Helen Rollason Award' and having the 'Unsung Hero Award' named after him. He also received the honorary title of 'Colonel'.

He capped off a remarkable year by being knighted in a special investiture by Queen Elizabeth II and became Captain Sir Tom. The Queen led tributes to Captain Sir Tom yesterday, "recognising the inspiration he provided for the whole nation and others across the world".

Nowadays, the words 'legend' and 'inspiration' may be used a little freely, however, with Captain Sir Tom - they seem to fit well.

Captain Sir Tom was indeed a great source of inspiration and leaves a legacy of hope, encapsulated by his wise words, "Tomorrow will be a good day."

God bless you, Captain Sir Tom.

Children's Mental Health Week 2021


Children's Mental Health Week 2021

Each year we hold a series of events to mark 'Children's Mental Health Week'.

Although we may not all be in school this week, it is important that at this time that we remember to look after ourselves and one another, supporting both physical and mental health.

The theme for this year is 'Express Yourself'.

To find out more about 'Children's Mental Health Week 2021', and for activities which you can deliver at home, click here.

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