
Red, White and Blue Day.


Red, White and Blue Day.

On Friday 18th June, we were delighted to hold a 'Red, White and Blue Day' in school to celebrate being proud of our country and to represent the Union flag.

Scheduled to sit alongside an exciting game of football between two of the home nations, England and Scotland, in Euro 2020, we offered children and staff the chance to come into school in non-uniform and celebrate their nation!

The children (and staff!) looked very bright and cheerful in different coloured clothing and some wore football shirts of British countries, three of whom (England, Scotland and Wales) we are cheering along in the European championships!

Good luck, England.            Deagh fhortan, Alba.           Pob lwc, Cymru. one another.




Year 6 Outdoor Education Fun!


Year 6 Outdoor Education Fun!

Our wonderful Year 6 enjoyed a special day of Outdoor and Adventurous Activities at Stanley Head Outdoor Education Centre.

The children all donned their safety equipment to learn how to climb...and then abseil down from the heights they reached! They were like Kingsley's version of spiderman and spiderwoman!

For the other part of the day, they again popped on their safety equipment and this time learnt how to canoe, and played games on (...and in!) the water to build their skills. This activity finished off with a refreshing dip for those who wanted to cool off in the June sunshine!

Many thanks to the parents and family members who were able to help support with transport too.

A great day's fun to start a very special week of outdoor learning activities for our eldest stars!

Love to learn, love God, love one another.


Helping us to grow plants.


Helping us to grow plants.

A big thank you to our friends at Morrison's Supermarket in Cheadle for the very generous donation to help children to learn about growing plants.

Through support from the Community Champion, we were delighted to receive bedding plants, packets of seeds, plant labels and, to help with the planting, a trowel and some compost.

We look forward to seeing lots of new plants growing and being cared for by the children.

Thank you again to Morrison's.

First Edition of the Journalism Club's Newsletter is Launched.


First Edition of the Journalism Club's Newsletter is Launched.

Today marks the very first edition of the Journalism Club's very own newsletter!

'The Werburgh's Word', which can be seen in the 'Newsletters and Leaflets' section of the website, is written by our children for our children.

We hope that you enjoy it and share our pride in this great first edition!

Well done to our superb Y6 journalists who brought the newsletter together: Sofia A., Erin and Evie K; and to Evie-Mae for her lovely article.

Love to learn...

Year 6 Jockey and Summer the Pony Race at Cheltenham.


Year 6 Jockey and Summer the Pony Race at Cheltenham.

Evie-Mae, one of our wonderful Year 6 stars, had an exciting experience at at world-famous sporting venue during the Bank Holiday weekend.

On the 1st May I went to Cheltenham race course for the first time on Summer, my pony, who turns 18 in June. I have spent the last year and a half training for pony racing, but unfortunately because of Covid-19 this is the first time I could actually race.

After an early start we arrived at Cheltenham Race Course and had to attend a briefing, before heading out to walk the course.  I then had to go and be weighed with my saddle and be given a number cloth.  I got number 8, which made me happy as my Birthday is the 8th May!  We then took Summer over to the pre-parade ring to be tacked-up and walked round to show her off.  We then moved over to the paddock where she continued to be walked around before mounting. 

At 12:15 we made our way to the start of the course ready to begin and have final safety tack checks.  At 12:30 our race began.  I had a plan but didn’t put too much pressure on myself other than to enjoy the experience.

I started in about 3rd position and held that until the bottom of the hill, but then asked Summer for a little more, and boy did she deliver! We ended up about 4 or 5 pony lengths ahead and WON! I am so proud of her! 

We won two rosettes, an engraved picture frame with a picture to go in it, a t-shirt and a bottle of bubbly... which of course I won’t be drinking!

By Evie-Mae

NHS Week at St. Werburgh's!


NHS Week at St. Werburgh's!

In school this week we are celebrating the amazing work of the National Health Service, better known as the NHS.

For more than 70 years, this wonderful organisation have helped millions of people of all ages when they fall ill, or to help to prevent them becoming unwell and live healthier lifestyles. This year in particular, the NHS have also had to make heroic efforts to look after those who have been poorly with Covid-19.

Each class has celebrated the brilliant people (many of whom are family members and friends of children and staff) who hold so many different roles at the NHS and thought about the thousands of people behind the rainbows!

Reception are describing what type of person an NHS worker is (kind, brave, helpful etc), the different jobs and if we may like to work for the NHS when we are older. They are also making medals and rosettes for the NHS in our craft area

Year 1 are writing a letter to say ‘thank you’ to those who work for the NHS and are designing a new logo for the organisation!

Year 2 are looking at lots of different types of job roles within the NHS and are making posters to say ‘thank you’ to the wonderful people in a selection of those jobs.

Year 3 are learning about the different job roles within the NHS and are writing about some of these using acrostic poetry.

Year 4/5 are looking at the many different job roles and are producing some artwork surrounding these.

Year 6 are looking at job roles and completing artwork based upon some of these and why we should say ‘thanks’. Children will then choose which of these jobs they would like to do when they are older and will write a letter of application.

Thank you, NHS!

Happy Easter


Happy Easter

We were delighted to share Easter joy with the children today and send each of them home for the holidays with an Easter egg courtesy of our wonderful PTA and our friends at Morrison's.

Although fund-raising opportunities have been difficult this year, your brilliant PTA very kindly purchased the eggs with money previously donated, and we were delighted to also have received a donation from the Community team at Morrison's in Cheadle.

Thank you to you all for playing your part in bringing lots of excited faces and big smiles.

Happy Easter!

Love to learn, love God, love one another.

Palm Sunday


Palm Sunday

To help us to celebrate Palm Sunday, Rev. Sue very kindly brought in a palm cross for all of the children and staff. These were welcomed into school by the Chairs of our Worship Council.

Palm Sunday marks the start of Holy Week, a very special time in the Church which leads to Easter Sunday. God...

Working with Staffordshire Police on Operation Encompass


Working with Staffordshire Police on Operation Encompass

As part of our ongoing commitment to the safeguarding of children and supporting families, we are delighted to be working with Staffordshire Police as part of a newly-launched initiative linked to Domestic Abuse.

Operation Encompass is the reporting to schools, prior to the start of the next school day, when a child or young person has experienced, any domestic abuse.

Operation Encompass will allow us to liaise with the police and to use the information that has been shared, while ensuring that the school is able to make provision for possible difficulties experienced by children, or their families, who have been experienced a domestic abuse incident.

We are keen to offer the best support possible to all our pupils and we believe this will be extremely beneficial for all those involved.

A Time to Reflect


A Time to Reflect

Today, 23rd March, marks one year since the first lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

During this year, life has been very different for us all and sadly several of us may have experienced loss of either family, or friends. We have also had to adapt to not being able to see our loved ones as often as we would like.

In school, we remembered those who have suffered with this terrible illness and thanked God for continuing to look after us.

In class, we spoke with the children about the last twelve months and at mid-day, children and staff observed a moment’s reflection, which was started by Emily, our Head Girl, and ended by Milton, our Head Boy.

We also remember our dear Mrs Wendy Brassington who we sadly lost during this time to a non-Covid-19 illness.

During the day we wrote class prayers which we look forward to sharing with one another when we come together as a school.

To those who have lost someone special over the past year, we send you the love of our school and Trust families. If we can help in any way, please just let us know.

Stay safe.

Newsletters & Leaflets