
Cycling Safely Cycling Safely Cycling Safely


Cycling Safely

Pupils in Years 4 and 5 took to their bikes to learn how to stay safe on two wheels as part of the bikeability scheme.

Children in both year groups had the chance to develop their skills of balancing, steering, indicating to change direction and the older children even got to apply these on the roads around school.

We are delighted to be able to help the children stay safe on their bikes as we know how much fun cycling is and how it can keep you fit and healthy.



Deadline for Reception Class Application is Near! Deadline for Reception Class Application is Near! Deadline for Reception Class Application is Near!


Deadline for Reception Class Application is Near!

The deadline to apply for a place in our Reception Class for September 2022 is approaching fast. 

If you want your child to be part of the St. Werburgh's C.E. Primary School family and begin their school adventure in our loving, caring and proudly Christian school, please click on the link below to submit your choice by 15th January 2022. If you want to find out more about our wonderful village school, please call us on 01538 702355 (opt1), or email

To apply for a place for your child, click

Love to learn, love God, love one another.

Christmas Performances Christmas Performances Christmas Performances Christmas Performances


Christmas Performances

Children in Reception and Years 1 and 2 sparkled as they re-told the Nativity story.

The young stars worked hard in class and at home to learn lines, learn songs, and master their skills of performance ready for the online Nativity show, enjoyed by their online audience over two evenings.

The children also extended the Christmas joy by singing Christmas carols and songs and sharing poetry in our live outdoor performance. It was wonderful to welcome parents/carers and wider family members to share the Christmas spirit...even if a little chilly!


Come and Join Our Lovely Reception Class


Come and Join Our Lovely Reception Class

If you, or anyone you know, are looking for a school for your young superstar, why not pay a visit to St. Werburgh's C.E. Primary.

To arrange a tour and to have a conversation about our lovely, family school, please call:
01538 702355 (opt1), or email:

Love to learn, love God, love one another.  

St. Werburgh's supports Children in Need and anti-bullying week St. Werburgh's supports Children in Need and anti-bullying week St. Werburgh's supports Children in Need and anti-bullying week St. Werburgh's supports Children in Need and anti-bullying week


St. Werburgh's supports Children in Need and anti-bullying week

Pudsey ears, Pudsey jumpers, Pudsey T-shirts, Pudsey headbands, spots, odd socks and plenty of smiles have filled St. Werburgh's as pupils celebrated 'Children in Need' and thought about how we can say something kind.

Children in each class enjoyed a range of activities to raise money for this wonderful cause, including using their mathematical skills to decorate Pudsey using repeating patterns. We have raised more than £190!

The celebrations also marked anti-bullying week, and children shared their ideas on how we can reflect our school motto's phrase of 'love one another' and all agreed to say something kind to someone today and thought about how this makes them feel.

Many thanks, as always, to our parents/carers for their wonderful support. one another.

St. Werburgh's remember them


St. Werburgh's remember them

To mark the period of remembrance, our Year 6 children visited the cenotaph in Kingsley to represent the whole school family and to think about those who gave so much for their country.

The group took the time to learn about the history of the cenotaph and its importance in the Parish and wider community. They also read aloud the names of all of the fallen soldiers from our villages so we can remember them.

This year's visit also marked the centenary of the Royal British Legion, an incredible organisation which does an amazing job in raising funds for those involved with the military and their families. In school we support the Royal British Legion each year by selling poppies and poppy-related items.

The visit finished with a moment of reflection with all of the children showing great respect for this important time of year.

We will remember them.

Helping Others Helping Others


Helping Others

The generosity of the St. Werburgh's family has been really evident with the recent donations towards the school Harvest celebration.

The goods have been donated to those families who are in need at this time, a situation in which we, or our friends or family members, could all find ourselves. It was lovely to pass so many items to the volunteers who do such brilliant work at the Trussell Trust's Cheadle and District Foodbank, and they send their thanks to all who were able to donate.

The kindness, care and thoughtfulness of our children and families really reflects the final part of our school motto: one another.

Thank You, Stoke City FC!


Thank You, Stoke City FC!

The St. Werburgh's C.E. Primary School family send a huge 'thank you' to our friends at Stoke City FC for providing a very special ticket offer as part of the 'City 7s' programme.

The children and adults who chose to attend enjoyed plenty of goals and even looked on with pride at seeing their school and The Moorlands Primary Federation logos displayed on the big screen to thousands of spectators at a Championship football match.

Providing children with an exciting opportunity to see a professional football match is an important way to develop their cultural capital - as well as offering a lovely afternoon with family members and friends!

Thank you.




Led by our new Worship Council, our Harvest Service took place today via Microsoft Teams, with Rev. Sue guiding us in prayer and children from each class giving thanks to God and showing their creativity to celebrate Harvest.

Thank you very much for all of the wonderful Harvest produce which has been received into school. The generosity and thoughtfulness of the families of our children and staff will make a big difference to many other local families at this time. 

Love to learn, love God, love one another.


Keith Hollins


Keith Hollins

It is with sadness that we learnt of the passing of Keith Hollins, former Headteacher and Executive Principal of The Cheadle Academy and Westwood College (amongst others), and CEO of the Staffordshire University Academies Trust.

Keith kindly offered advice and support as we formed The Moorlands Primary Federation and through his co-founding of the South Moorlands Schools Learning Community, created many positive opportunities for schools throughout our area.

Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.


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