
Children sing to raise money for Children in Need


Children sing to raise money for Children in Need

A tuneful group of children showed off their lovely singing voices when performing in a Cheadle supermarket today, and raised funds for a wonderful cause.

The boys and girls from Years 5 and 6 sang a number of songs to help to raise money for 'Children in Need' and with it, entertained shoppers and staff alike.

We are very proud to see the children showing so much care for others which really captures the ' one another' aspect of our school motto.

'Ace' Performance from Tennis Stars 'Ace' Performance from Tennis Stars


'Ace' Performance from Tennis Stars

Huge congratulations to our 'ace'  Y3/4 tennis team for 'serving up' a brilliant performance in the CADSSA/ School Games championships.

Cheered on by parents and staff (who made a 'racquet'!), the two girls and two boys 'court' everyone's imagination with their determination and enjoyment of the games.

The foursome finished in a wonderful third place in the tournament and we are very proud of them.

Move over Rafa, Martina, Bjorn and Serena!


Reception get on their Bikes! Reception get on their Bikes!


Reception get on their Bikes!

Children in our lovely Reception Class are enjoying a training programme to help them to develop their skills of riding a bike.

The boys and girls are practising their skills using balance bikes and, each week, will continue to master the art of cycling. The sessions will not only help them to develop their skills, but also their confidence and awareness of how to be safe on a bike.

Who knows, maybe we could be seeing the beginnings of the next Chris Froome or Laura Kenny!

Pupils are Proud to Remember Pupils are Proud to Remember Pupils are Proud to Remember


Pupils are Proud to Remember

The St. Werburgh's family were extremely proud to be part of the Armistice Day service at the Kingsley Cenotaph in remembrance of the fallen heroes of our villages.

Our representatives showed such beautiful respect at this very special event, and as well as laying our very own school wreath (made using handprints of our Year 2 children), and that of the Kingsley Kingfishers; some children also planted crosses and read the names of soldiers from Kingsley, Kingsley Holt, and surrounding areas, who served and sadly lost their lives.

The rest of our school family joined together in a very special service in the school hall to remember, and to give thanks to the brave soldiers and animals who fought in World Wars and other conflicts to help us to have the lives we enjoy today.

We Will Remember Them.

St. Werburgh's Rock Stars St. Werburgh's Rock Stars St. Werburgh's Rock Stars St. Werburgh's Rock Stars St. Werburgh's Rock Stars St. Werburgh's Rock Stars


St. Werburgh's Rock Stars

Children (and staff!) have been Rock Stars today to celebrate their learning in Maths and in particular the 'Times Tables Rock Stars' program.

Through the program, children improve their recall of the multiplication tables and the related division facts, which will help them to continue to progress as fantastic mathematicians/ Maths Rock Stars!

Trust Maths Leader, Mrs Bloor, added: "It is great to see how much enthusiasm the children/rock stars have for the program and the excitement in learning which this is generating."

Let's Rock!

Come to our Open Morning Come to our Open Morning


Come to our Open Morning

Join us for our Open Morning on Tuesday 19th November at 9.30am to see if our 'Outstanding' school is the one for you.

If your child is starting school in September 2020, or you are new to the area and are considering school choices for your child/ children, please come and visit us.

To book a place, or for further information, please call 01538 702355 (option 1), or email

Love to learn, love God, love one another.


Royal British Legion join us at St. Werburgh's


Royal British Legion join us at St. Werburgh's

We were honoured to welcome Ivor and Anne from the Royal British Legion into school to lead us in an assembly which told us more about this wonderful and very important organisation.

As always, we were really proud of how the children showed such beautiful respect throughout and they asked some lovely questions.

Remembrance is something very dear to the St. Werburgh's and TMPF families and we are proud to welcome the Royal British Legion into assembly and will be joining them, and other members of the Parish, for a service of Remembrance on Armistice Day.

We will remember them.

Stoke City FC visit St. Werburgh's Stoke City FC visit St. Werburgh's Stoke City FC visit St. Werburgh's


Stoke City FC visit St. Werburgh's

Stoke City FC visited us today to celebrate their 'City 7s' scheme for Y2 and to offer all of the children and families the opportunity to go to the Bet365 Stadium to watch a live Championship football match.

The 'City 7s' scheme is a wonderful initiative for Y2 children, which gives them a brilliant experience of watching a professional football match with two free tickets and a Stoke City shirt of their very own!

Every child  in school (and their family) has also received an offer to watch Stoke City FC v Reading in December at a reduced price. All of those who decide to go will also sit together in the same section of the stadium.

The offer represents a brilliant opportunity for children to see international athletes in a world-class venue; to experience a sporting event; to see what opportunities exist for different careers and healthy lifestyles; and to celebrate as part of their community.

Many thanks to out friends at Stoke City FC.

Well done, footballers


Well done, footballers

A huge 'well done' to our wonderful football team for their superb performances in the CADSSA Y5/6 A League football team tonight.

The boys and girls played with determination, talent, skill and radiated hard-work, team spirit and sporting behaviour.

Congratulations, superstars!

Children Welcome a Nutritionist


Children Welcome a Nutritionist

We were delighted to welcome a professional nutritionist, Grace, into school today to lead us in an assembly about eating well and the importance of a healthy, balanced diet.

Grace shared lots of information about which are the best food types for us to eat, so that we can help our bodies to grow healthily. We also shared with her how much we have learned through our lessons in school.

Following today, Grace, who works for Chartwells - the suppliers of our school lunches, will come back to work with classes to teach the children about the importance of good nutrition.

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