
We love to read at The Valley!


We love to read at The Valley!

The Valley Primary School have been celebrating their love of reading with the whole school family on World Book Day.

Sharing books throughout the day, children have learnt how to draw like famous illustrators, have created fact-files based on what they read, and have been writing and performing raps about World Book Day!

Pupils and staff came to school dressed as book characters or in their pyjamas, onesies and dressing gowns to share the magic of reading bedtime stories. In the afternoon, parents, carers, grandparents, aunties, uncles and other family members were invited into school to read and enjoy a selection of bedtime stories.

We just love to read!

Come to The Valley! Come to The Valley!


Come to The Valley!

The Valley Primary School have places available for pupils to come and join our warm and friendly school family, who learn in a stunning environment complete with its very own Forest School.

If your child, or the child of a friend or family member is due to start Reception Class in September 2024, applications for a school place need to be submitted no later than Monday 15th January. Still undecided? Please give us a call and we can arrange a time to visit.

To submit your application to join The Valley Primary School, or one of our TMPF sister schools, please visit: as soon as possible to secure your place.

Helping parents/carers to keep children safe online Helping parents/carers to keep children safe online Helping parents/carers to keep children safe online Helping parents/carers to keep children safe online Helping parents/carers to keep children safe online


Helping parents/carers to keep children safe online

Many children were lucky enough to have received exciting presents for Christmas which offer them access to the internet and the online world.

As part of our commitment to keeping children safe, prior to Christmas we sent a link to all parents/carers for parental guides to many of these devices, just to offer a little more insight into how they are used, and also how they could be a risk if not managed properly.

Over the course of the year, we will share information on different online platforms and devices, including the necessary age restrictions, so parents and carers can be informed and continue to support their children with ways to stay safe.

Click here to visit our page containing parental guides to keeping children safe online.

Have a peek at our beautiful school.


Have a peek at our beautiful school.

Here at The Valley Primary School, we love welcoming new friends to our beautiful setting to learn alongside our amazing children.

Click here to watch our video and enjoy a peek into school life at The Valley.

If you would like to see how our school could be the right choice for your child, please call us on: 01538 702355 (opt2), or email: and we will arrange a time when you can come to visit. 

Coffee Mornings for parents/carers of pupils with SEND


Coffee Mornings for parents/carers of pupils with SEND

We are delighted to share news of special events in our area which are to support parents and carers of children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND).

The main aims of the coffee mornings are:
- To provide a safe space for parents/carers of children with SEND to support one another emotionally, spiritually and practically.
- Gather together for a cuppa and the chance to talk and listen.
- Support parents/carers spiritually and offer a space to be together and for prayer.
- Offer practical support, signpost to support services, share knowledge and listen to guest speakers.

The sessions take place on the 2nd Monday of the month, 9.00am-11.00am at All Saints’ Church, New Road, Dilhorne ST10 2PQ (please park on the road, or at the Dilhorne recreation centre).

Next sessions:
Monday 13th November
Monday 11th December

For further information, please contact the Parish Office on 01782 312570, or via the church’s facebook page.

Come and join our school


Come and join our school

One of our wonderful pupils has written a lovely note to share with other children, to let them know how much she enjoys learning at The Valley Primary School.

Hi, everyone.

I just want to say that The Valley Primary School is the best school to go to.

I was just wondering if you would like to come to The Valley Primary School because the work is really good and the teachers are really kind.

Come and join our lovely school family


Come and join our lovely school family

If you, or any of your friends or family have a child due to start school in September 2024, then please come and visit our beautiful, friendly and happy village school, set in a stunning location.

We are holding an open afternoon for parents and carers on Thursday 26th October 1.30-3.00pm. To book your place, please contact the school office: 01538 702355 (opt 2), or

If you cannot make this date but still wish to come and find out more about our loving and friendly school family, please contact us so we can arrange a mutually convenient time.

Applications to join The Valley open on 1st November 2023 and close on 15th January 2024.

To apply for a place at one of our family of primary schools, please visit: 

Learn to love, love to learn.

Secondary school applications


Secondary school applications

Although we are very early in the school year, parents and carers of our wonderful pupils in Year 6 have been busy considering secondary schools for September 2024.

Just a little reminder that applications to secondary schools need to be made by 31 October 2023.

To apply, please visit:  

School receives National Gold Award for commitment to PE and School Sport.


School receives National Gold Award for commitment to PE and School Sport.

We are delighted to share the exciting news that The Valley Primary School have been awarded to National School Games ‘GOLD AWARD’ for our ongoing commitment to PE and School Sport.

The School Games Mark is a Government-led awards scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for the commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the wider community, and are delighted to have been recognised our success with the highest level of the award!

The Valley Primary School are extremely proud of our pupils for their dedication to all aspects of school sport and to so many parents/carers who helped us to travel to matches and cheer us along!

Big smiles for the new school year


Big smiles for the new school year

We are delighted to welcome some very big smiles to our new Reception and Nursery classes and classes 2 and 3 this term.

Although we were sad to say 'bye bye' to a very special group of children last year, we are thrilled to welcome the newest members of The Valley Primary School family.

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