Sports and the Performing Arts

At St. Werburgh's C.E. Primary School, we are immensley proud of all of the children and provide lots of opportunities for them to shine within and beyond the classroom and the curriculum. The staff team offer children the chance to develop their confidence and variety of skills through a large number of experiences.

In 2017-18, our warm and friendly small rural school provided children with a whopping 46 opportunities to represent their school at sports and dance! In addition to many sporting fixtures, we host an annual dance festival and also lead a dance show involving more than 120 performers from nine schools aged 4-18!

Through our commitment to the performing arts, we have participated in music festivals and introduced in-school peripatetic music lessons so children can enjoy learning to play a musical instrument. Due to our dedication to Music across and beyond the curriculum, we were honoured to be awarded with the North West Midlands Music Hub Bronze Award!

The huge dedication of the staff team means that so many of these opportunities are presented to children outside of school hours and we are proud to provide such a notably high number.

Music Hub Bronze Award
Cluster Sports (PLT)
TMPF Sports
School Games