
Trust Board

Members: Mr Peter Chell (Chair), Mrs Kay Hulse, Mr John Ratcliffe, Rev. John Hall, Mr Brian Ball (Diocese)

Trustees: Mr Nick Chesters (Chair of Trustees), Mr Lee Yates  (Vice Chair of Trustees), Mr Tom Cadman, Mrs Lisa Cogger, Mr Benjamin Fabi (Chair - Pupil Welfare, Learning and Achievement Committee; Chair - Health and Safety Committee), Rev. Garry Higgs, Mrs Charlotte Lumsden-Cook, Mr Fraser Martin, Mrs Jane McFarlane, Mr John Ratcliffe (Chair - Human Resources and Finance Committee) and Miss Louise Wainwright.


Chief Executive Office & Executive Principal: Mr J. Eccles NLE (National Leader of Education), NPQH (National Professional Qualification for Headship)

Vice Chief Executive Officer & Executive Principal: Mr A. Brayford NPQEL (National Professional Qualification for Executive Leadership), NPQH

Executive Principals: Mrs K. Stanesby NPQEL, NPQH; Miss Averil Kirk

School Leaders: Mr B. Adamson, Miss N. Ainsworth, Mrs C. Bould, Mr C. Broome, Mrs L. O'Sullivan NPQH


Trust School Improvement Leader: Mrs L. Brayford NPQEL, NPQH


Trust Executive Business Manager: Mrs L. Asprey

Trust Deputy Business Manager: Mrs M. Eyden


Trust Curriculum Leadership Roles

Trust English/Literacy Leader: Mrs L. Brayford NPQEL, NPQH

Trust Mathematics Leader: Mrs H. Bloor

Trust Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SENDs) Leader: Mr B. Adamson

Trust R.E and Collective Worship Leaders: Mrs N. Shaw (R.E.) and Mr C. Casey (Collective Worship)

Trust Early Years Foundation Stage Leader: Mrs J. Hill

Trust Reading Leader: 

Trust Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG) Leader: Mrs C. Bould

Trust P.E. Leader:  Mrs L. Proctor

Trust Science Leader: Miss A. Kirk

Trust Computing Leader: Mrs C. Stanway


Other Trust Leadership Roles

Trust Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Leaders:  Miss N. Ainsworth (safeguarding) & Mr A. Brayford NPQEL NPQH
Trust Educational Visits Co-ordinator: Mr C. Broome


National Leader of Education
Mr J. Eccles NPQH

Specialist Leaders of Education
Miss N. Ainsworth - Early Years and Foundation Stage
Mrs H. Bloor - Mathematics
Mrs C. Bould - English
Miss A. Kirk - SEND